Sunday, July 2, 2017

Trump posts mock video of him body-slamming CNN

Anything that makes Leftists and the corrupt media heads explode I'm totally for.

NY Post reports President Trump on Sunday tweeted out a video of him body-slamming World Wrestling Entertainment Chairman Vince McMahon whose face was obscured by the CNN logo.
The tweet, which said, “#FraudNewsCNN #FNN,” linked to a video of him decking, beating and then shaving off McMahon’s hair, the husband of Linda McMahon, Trump’s head of the Small Business Administration.

 Trump has been in the ring with CNN since the cable news network removed a story that linked an associate of his with a Russian bank.
Three CNN employees also resigned over the article.

More here

1 comment:

  1. Go Trump, CNN deserves it and much more!
