Thursday, January 31, 2019

Jewish Therapist Sues NYC Over Counseling Gay Conversion-Censorship Law, Joining Ex-Gays

Very glad this law is being challenged!  Leftist want to keep Gays Gay and not lose that voting black.
  But, being Gay is CHOICE and proper counseling con correct the confusion into normalcy.

InFoWars reports on Wednesday, an Orthodox Jewish therapist joined five other lawsuits across the country (some from ex-gays) in filing a legal challenge to New York City’s ban on “conversion therapy.”

New York’s state legislature passed a similar ban last week, which has yet to be signed by the governor.

The therapist’s lawsuit challenges NYC’s ban on free speech and religious freedom grounds, attacking the law as “the Counseling Censorship Law.”

Dr. David Schwartz filed the lawsuit against New York City and City Consumer Affairs Commissioner Lorelei Salas.

“Dr. David Schwartz filed the case now because he is facing the threat of up to $10,000 in fines per patient, and the New York City Council has put out bulletins that they’re looking for anonymous complainants,” Jeana Hallock, legal counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), the law firm representing Schwartz, told PJ Media in an interview Thursday.

More here

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