Monday, May 22, 2017

Freedom Alert: Deep State, The Establishment of both te Democrat and Republican Party are setting up scam President Donald Trump is suffering from Alzheimer's to remove him from office

It's time to fight back with the truth!


  1. How to Make and Spread a Juicy Rumor

    Rumours for general consumption may be intended either to produce definite action by the general populace, or a modification in its mental outlook which will produce appropriate action at some later moment.

  2. Well, I guess the "President Trump is a Space Alien" gig didn't catch on, so they have to come up with some other B.S. thing.

  3. If President Trump is removed from office, whether by assassination or impeachment or coup or any other act, pig hunting season is officially open. And their families are valid targets as well.

  4. They tried the same with Reagan.
