Sunday, May 21, 2017

Shameful Episode at ND: Dozens of graduates walk out during VP Mike Pence commencement speech at Notre Dame

The graduates who walked out on Vice President Mike Pence's speech represent only 3% of the 3,100 who graduated. 
That's really an insignificant amount of graduates who decided to take a walk on their graduation.  Still, it reflects poorly on ND who like many other Catholic universities have become very Liberal.    
Daily Mail reports more than 150 students, family and faculty walked out of Notre Dame's commencement Sunday when Vice President Mike Pence began his speech at the ceremony.
As soon as the Vice President - a former Indiana governor - began giving his speech at the 175th commencement ceremony, students rose from their seats and filed out of the stadium. 

As they walked out, protesters from We Go High!, the Reproductive Justice Coalition and Planned Parenthood along with other groups rallied from 10am until noon at the corner of Angela Blvd and Notre Dame Avenue. 
More here

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