Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Seattle police shooting kills armed 30-year-old single mother Charleena Chavon Lyles

Police often deal with people with mental issues and sometimes things turn out bad.
  Look for Social Justice Warriors to exploit this situation to put a hating on police.   

KIRO 7 reports a 30-year-old woman who police said was armed with a knife was shot and killed Sunday afternoon in North Seattle.

Family told KIRO 7 News that Charleena Chavon Lyles was a mother of four children and pregnant. They are demanding answers, wondering why police used fatal force. 

Five days before the fatal incident, a judge in Seattle Mental Health Court ordered her not to possess “weapons or items that can be used as weapons.” A police report from another incident involving Lyles earlier this month at the same low-income housing unit indicates that she “experienced a recent sudden and rapid decline in her mental health.”

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