Kenny “Kiwi” Herring died a
criminal when she was justifiably shot by police after the black transgender
He-She stabbed a neighbor during an argument over a barbeque pit fire.
But, since the story involved a black transgender, the corrupt media made Herring an innocent victim that got shot down by police.
But, since the story involved a black transgender, the corrupt media made Herring an innocent victim that got shot down by police.
St. Louis Post Dispatch reports new details are emerging from police about the neighbor dispute that brought police Tuesday to the home of Kenny “Kiwi” Herring, who was then killed in a confrontation with officers.In court documents filed in St. Louis Circuit Court, police say Herring had accused a downstairs neighbor that morning of starting a fire on a back deck. Herring then stabbed that neighbor after Herring’s partner provided the kitchen knife, police say.Herring was fatally shot by police after Herring, in a scuffle with officers, cut an officer on the arm. Herring’s partner, Kristy Lynn Thompson, is jailed on assault charges for handing the knife to Herring. And the neighbor who was stabbed was hospitalized with stab wounds. The victim suffered a collapsed lung in the attack, police say.The two officers who fired the shots are on administrative leave, as is protocol, while the case is being reviewed.
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