Friday, August 11, 2017

Tebow hits homer after emotional embrace with autistic boy..

Wow, right out of Hollywood!  Well, at least what used to come out of Hollywood.
NY Post reports one young fan gave Tim Tebow the magic touch to help him hit another minor league home run.
While playing in the St. Lucie Mets’ game against the Charlotte Stone Crabs on July 29, Tebow was standing in the on-deck circle getting ready for his at bat when he decided to go over to the stands and great an eager young fan.
The young fan, Seth Bosch, who has high-functioning autism, made his way down to the front row of the stands, reached through the protective netting and received a handshake from the former Florida quarterback. After shaking hands with Tebow, Bosch, who celebrated his 10th birthday earlier this week, turned around to face his mom, who was filming the encounter, and raised his arm triumphantly.
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