Sunday, October 22, 2017

Deep State Cover Up: Is Real Purpose of Mueller Investigation for Mueller to Destroy Evidence of Hillary-Obama Criminal Activity?

Hmm, this is very insightful and provocative question coming from Gateway Pundit.
  He makes a very strong that the Deep State protects itself in sneaky clever ways.  But, the alternative media is hip to their shenanigans.    

GatewayPundit - Is the Special Investigation created by former Obama and Hillary lackeys from the FBI and Department of Justice, not only an effort to find dirt on President Trump and his administration but also to destroy records that would lead to Obama or Hillary crimes?

We already know that former FBI Head and current Special Counsel in the Russia Investigation Robert Mueller is a Bad Cop.   – 

As reported at the GWP, you can tell a bad cop just as easily by what he doesn’t do as what he does do. As an example, the following major scandals and likely crimes that Mueller did not meaningfully investigate as FBI Director resulting in no arrests and no consequences:

More here

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