Let's get real here. Nobody ever heard of Rob Porter but for a few
days ago.
But thanks to the underhanded machinations our mainstream media, he's become the latest poster boy for the bogus #MeToo and #TimesUp movement.
But thanks to the underhanded machinations our mainstream media, he's become the latest poster boy for the bogus #MeToo and #TimesUp movement.
That's right I said
In two more months, #MeToo
and #TimesUp will be as relevant as #OccupyWallStreet and #BlackLivesMatter. Remember those movement that came and went?
However, the sins of James
Comey and Loretta Lynch will still be right there for public scrutiny. Using a made up out of whole cloth dossier to
obtain a FISA warrant is a crime that cannot be swept under the rug.
And as much as the mainstream
media may divert, distort, disparage, ignore to protect the Democrat
Party, there's real journalism going on in
the alternative media. There's nothing
earth shattering about Rob Porter. Don't
believe the frenzy of #Times Up mania whereby allegations are accepted as truth
and the presumption of innocence is thrown out the window.
Noise is just noise, it fades
after a time. But, injustice last forever
until the bad is made right.
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