Thursday, March 14, 2019

Bumbling Beto O'Rourke starts presidential campaign with issue-free website and video tweeted an hour late

I don't know what anybody sees in this clown. 
But, thanks to a corrupt media putting lipstick on a pig, Beto is purely media myth with no substance.  This guy has no shot of getting the Democrat nomination.
Daily Mail reports former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke formally announced Thursday that he will seek the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, ending months of speculation over whether he would try to translate his newfound political celebrity into a White House bid.
O'Rourke's online campaign began Thursday with announcements emailed in English and Spanish. An interview with CBS News will air Friday morning. And he will head to Iowa for three days of hand-to-hand campaigning. But in a head-scratching political move, the liberal media darling won't have an official launch speech until March 30. 

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1 comment:

  1. If they thought they could see a pig like Obama, why can't they sell the clowns Beto?
