Monday, April 1, 2019

Joe Creepy: Wife of ex-Defense secretary addresses awkward photos after recent allegations against Biden

There are dozens if not more of photos of Joe Biden doing this very thing. 
It's always been out there and the mainstream media never made an issue of it.  But, this is all about kicking the "white guy" from the race to plow the field for a wacky progressive to get the DNC nod.    

Fox News reports the photographs taken during the swearing-in of then-Defense Secretary Ash Carter in 2015 that showed Vice President Joe Biden standing behind the ex-cabinet member's wife with two hands on her shoulders and-- at times-- his nose nuzzled against her hair, were misleading and "extracted from what was a longer moment between close friends," Stephanie Carter said in a post on Medium.

More here


  1. Heh. So they're admitting that her "husband" is a cuck?

