Thursday, April 16, 2020

Trump accuses NYC of padding its coronavirus deaths for bogus tally

It's actually worse than Trump suspects.  Even the so-called "confirmed" Covid-19 deaths are padded as well because a deceased persons underlying conditions are ignored in favor of listing Covid-19 as a primary cause of death.
It's dishonest because there's a difference between dying with Covid-19 and dying from it.  So, all the New York numbers are skewed from the start.  

NY Post reports President Trump on Wednesday questioned Mayor Bill de Blasio’s revised coronavirus death toll — a day after New York City revised how it tracks fatalities by adding more than 3,700 victims who died of apparent coronavirus symptoms and were never tested.

“I see this morning where New York added 3,000 [sic] deaths because they died. Rather than [a] heart attack, they say heart attack caused by this,” he said during the daily briefing of the Coronavirus Task Force, referring to COVID-19.

Responding to a question about the staggering US death toll, which topped 27,000 Wednesday, the president suggested that the Big Apple added the new deaths to the tally “just in case” the victims had the virus.

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