Friday, March 3, 2017

Calling Out Disney Cheerleading Homosexuality : Rev. Graham: Disney Is Pushing 'LGBT Agenda' Into The 'Minds of Your Children upcoming Beauty and the Beast Movie -- Watch Out!

Good This Needed to Be Said! 

For a long time Hollywood and pop culture has been indoctrinating child that the Gay lifestyle, homosexuality is normal.  That's contrary to the teachings of Christianity, Judaism, and Liberals chic relation, Islam.  It's not normal!   

CNS News reports in reaction to the news that Disney already has aired a cartoon showing two men kissing and is featuring a "gay character" in its upcoming Beauty and the Beast movie, Christian leader Franklin Graham said the Disney company is trying to "normalize" the homosexual lifestyle and "push the LGBT agenda into the hearts and minds of your children."  He further warned parents to "watch out!" and let Disney know how they feel about its perverse agenda. 

In a March 2 post on Facebook, Rev. Graham, son of evangelist Billy Graham, said, “Disney has aired a cartoon with same-sex couples kissing. It has also been announced that their new movie ‘Beauty and the Beast’ will feature a gay character in an attempt to normalize this lifestyle."
“They’re trying to push the LGBT agenda into the hearts and minds of your children—watch out!" he said. 

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