Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Finally Confronting Pure Evil" President Trump sends nuclear submarine carrying Cruise Missiles to South Korean port: North Korea's Kim Jong Un 'is a problem that needs to be finally solved'

It's a showdown between the leader of the free world who isn't afraid to show leadership to a tinhorn dictator.  And let mention something nobody else will. 
Kim Jong Un is a Godless, Evil man.  President Trump is a man of faith!  This is a Joshua moment and President Trump is being strong and courageous like the Lord has told us to be the Old Testament when confronting evil.  This is what presidential leadership looks like!   

Daily Mail reports a nuclear-powered US submarine arrived in a South Korean port on Tuesday in a show of force amid concerns that North Korea may attempt another missile launch or nuclear test on Tuesday.

The port call in Busan by the USS Michigan came as an American aircraft carrier strike group continued steaming towards Korean waters.

And as tensions in the area continued to rise, the top nuclear envoys from South Korea, Japan, and the US met in Tokyo to discuss North Korea's refusal to give up its nuclear program. 

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