Thursday, February 21, 2019

Kamala Harris's father blasts her for indemnity politics and insulting Jamaican ancestry

I don't think Kamala Harris will be going to her Dad's house for Thanksgiving any time soon.
NDTV reports US Democratic presidential candidate Senator Kamala Harris, who is of Indian and Jamaican descent, has been slammed by her father for saying that she smoked marijuana in her younger years and supports it becoming legalized.

Donald Harris, an economics professor at Stanford University, claimed his daughter was playing "identity politics" and added that she was harming her family's Jamaican ancestors, Politico reported on Wednesday.

"My dear departed grandmothers ... as well as my deceased parents, must be turning in their grave right now to see their family's name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics," he said in a statement to Kingston-based Jamaica Global Online.

More here


  1. Daddy is an econ professor at Stanford. There is a good
    chance that he is a member of the Hoover Institute and
    worked alongside Thomas Sowell.

  2. Her daddy is a noted Marxist. I love it when the Marxists eat each other.
