Thursday, December 26, 2019

No need for a Senate impeachment trial, says former Bush adviser Brad Blakeman

The Dems do not know which way is up. 
Nancy Pelosi needs to be retired to the old folks home.
Fox News reports Nancy Pelosi's move to withhold from the Senate articles of impeachment against President Trump is stunning because the House speaker "has no leverage," said Brad Blakeman, who served as deputy assistant to President George W. Bush.

Blakeman, an adviser in the Bush-Cheney 2000 Presidential campaign, made the comment on “Fox & Friends” Thursday morning.

“[Senate Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell did not nose his way into the impeachment process in the House and she has no standing to do that in the Senate,” he said.

The president tore into House Democrats overnight and into the morning over their handling of the impeachment process, calling them "hypocrites" and "liars" for allegedly seeking concessions in the Senate that Republicans were not afforded in the House -- and for hitting pause on impeachment after stressing the national security urgency of it all.

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