Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Socialist Bernie Sanders Claims Medicare for All Would Fix Coronavirus. It Might Make Things Worse

What Bernie Sanders and other leftists don't understand is that it's going to be capitalism that will defeat this virus like it's done in the past. 
Socialized medicine only follows and never comes up with any innovations.
Free Beacon reports Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) once again argued during Sunday night's presidential primary debate that America is less equipped to handle the coronavirus pandemic because it does not have a single-payer health care system.

"Let's be honest and understand that this coronavirus pandemic exposes the incredible weakness and dysfunctionality of our current health care system," Sanders said. "We're spending twice as much per person on health care as the people of any other country…. We're spending so much money and yet we're not even prepared for this pandemic. How come we don't have enough doctors? How come hospitals in rural areas are shutting down? How come people can't afford to get the prescription drugs they need?"

More here


  1. Anyone who has spent any time at all in the military knows government-run healthcare is not the answer. One person on the ship got sick, and the whole ship was down in a week. The best the corpsman would offer was Tylenol...

    'Nuff said...

  2. How come we don't have enough doctors? How come hospitals in rural areas are shutting down? How come people can't afford to get the prescription drugs they need?"

    two words ..... GOVERNMENT REGULATION

    anything the government gets involved in gets worse, more expensive, and less responsive.
    get government out of medicine and let the free market reign
