Saturday, April 18, 2020

NY Times spews Propaganda Defending Bill Gates and World Health Organization

It's come to my attention recently that Bill Gates IS NOT a trustworthy person.
  I always had a problem with the guy for stealing his idea for Windows from Stave Jobs.  That a serious character flaw.  But, Bill Gates today is a much worse human being.  Just pay attention to what he says. 

NewsBusters reports the effort attempted to insulate one of the president’s biggest liberal critics on the matter from conservative scrutiny: billionaire Microsoft Co-Founder Bill Gates.

The Times piece published Apr. 17 and headlined, “Bill Gates, at Odds With Trump on Virus, Becomes a Right-Wing Target,” grumbled Gates “has effectively assumed the role occupied by George Soros, the billionaire financier and Democratic donor who has been a villain for the right.” NPR reported that the U.S. had pledged $656 million to the W.H.O. for the “two-year budget cycle of 2018 and 2019,” which is less than 1 percent of Gates’s estimated net worth.

The Times piece spent the first seven paragraphs pushing red herrings to make it appear Gates is under an “explosion of conspiracy theories.” The Times said these theories were being peddled by “[a]nti-vaccinators, members of the conspiracy group QAnon and right-wing pundits” before pivoting to Gates’s half-baked shot at the White House. The paper claimed “Misinformation about Mr. Gates is now the most widespread of all coronavirus falsehoods,” according to its summary of media analysis taken from the company Zignal Labs.

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