Cracks are beginning to form under the feet of the worst governor in New York history.
Cuomo is full of himself and he lives on the adulation from Hollywood celebs. But average New Yorkers especially Upstate could care less for the guy.NY Post reports a former aide to Gov. Andrew Cuomo said her ex-boss has relapsed back into the “snarling attack dog” that New Yorkers know all too well — following the plaudits he received for his performance at the daily press briefings during the early days of the coronavirus pandemic.
Alexis Grenell unloaded on Cuomo in a withering column in The Nation titled “The Collapse of the Cuomosexual” — the moniker adopted by fans of the governor.
She was Cuomo’s deputy director of intergovernmental affairs when he was state attorney general.
"The Andrew Cuomo New Yorkers know and mostly tolerate, the snarling attack dog who gaslights fellow Democrats and deploys staff to call his female critics ‘f—-g idiots,’ dropped down to Earth last week. It was a hard landing after a long-distance love affair with a fanbase in a galaxy far, far away,” said Grenell, a media and political consultant.
She said Cuomo’s promotion of his book about COVID-19 in the middle of the pandemic is an act of hubris — likening it to Winston Churchill writing the history of World War II while still fighting it.
“St. Andrew, our savior of the spring, is now milking his 15 minutes of fame for an extra 30,” Grenell said.
“The book,” she opined, “is an undignified victory lap by the facts-first persona that won him legitimate praise to begin with, underscoring the point that for Cuomo it was always more about presentation than substance.”
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