Monday, September 21, 2020

AOC-backed socialists have a plan to take over NYC, defund NYPD 50%

New Yorkers better wake up and pay attention.  These wacky socialists will destroy New York even more than Bill de Blasio has. 

NYPost reports Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Democratic socialists brigade wants to turn New York City far-left — from the ground up.

The Democratic Socialists of America-NYC is pushing to put up or back a slate of City Council candidates who, if elected, would create a “socialist caucus.”

The overwhelmingly Democratic council is vulnerable next year to the left-of-left push with 35 out of 51 council seats up for grabs due to term limits. Only 16 council members can run for re-election.

The strategy is detailed in a 13-page “tasks and perspectives” strategic planning document that will be reviewed by DSA members this week.

A litmus test for candidates to obtain the DSA endorsement is a pledge to “defund” the NYPD — slashing the police budget by $3 billion or 50 percent.



1 comment:

  1. Sure, De fund the police. We can settle our differences the old fashion way. Got a gun ?
