Monday, October 26, 2020

Police union slams NYPD for punishment of pro-Trump officer

There's some very strange circumstances going on in New York that may shock a lot of people on Election Day. 

NY Post reports the Sergeants Benevolent Association has accused NYPD top brass of a “double standard” after an officer was suspended for blaring “Trump 2020” over a patrol-car loudspeaker – while his boss was praised for taking a knee with Black Lives Matter protesters.

“The NYPD has a history of officers making political & outside the norm statements & ignoring it,” the SBA tweeted Sunday amid the investigation into Saturday’s incident in Brooklyn.

“Suspending this officer is unnecessary & way over the top. Chief of Department took a knee with protestors no disciplinary action was issued,” the SBA said of Terence Monahan.

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