Monday, March 14, 2022

The LIE they don't tell you about electric cars they don't work at Sub-Zero temperatures!

Electric cars are fine in certain situations like a golf course or a senior community.  But, in the "real world", they can't match the efficiency of gas powered vehicles.    


  1. There is at least one other lie they don't tell - basic laws of energy tell us that every step in the transfer process there is a bit of loss of efficiency. IOW the cost goes up.

    1. Indeed. All you're doing by charging an electric car is moving the smoke to another location. That, and burning up energy in its transmission from the power plant to the car. Stupid, really...

    2. Almost 60% of the energy generated at a central power plant is lost in transmission. Add the inherent inefficiency of the battery and engine and the net result would be an efficiency of about 10% - 20% in optimal conditions. Add weather, load, and other environmental factors and the actual efficiency of an electric car is probably on the low end of 10%. An internal combustion engine is about 25% efficient and diesel is about 30%. So if you compare the three across the board, diesel, gasoline and then electric are the most to least effective at using energy to do work.

  2. Electric cars SUCK in cold weather. The battery has to be kept warm. It gets too cold, and heating elements surrounding the battery turn on to warm it up. SSSSSSUCK goes the car's range. Turn on the heater and SSSSSUCK goes the car's range. Imagine getting stuck in a blizzard somewhere in sub zero temps with, say, ten miles left on the battery... Yeah; it's like that...
